Everything health with Linda McBee

Hi I am Linda McBee, I started to educate myself about food and the ingredients in food when I was 10 years old. I have been under doctor care with a counted calorie diet and lost what was equivalent to 50 lbs over a year. Now 50 years later I am about the same size I was when I graduated from high school. I have had about a dozen autoimmune issues including infertility, thyroid, psoriasis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia to name a few. I have always been interested in my health and looking for health solutions for me personally, but professionally ran finance and marketing companies. I have been to doctors all over the world to try and find solutions but was not successful. I had to close my businesses a few years ago after dealing with neurological Lyme disease. About 3 years ago APLGO was introduced to me which is a healthy candy and saved my life. It addressed the health issues I had. I have since become a functional medicine coach working with doctors when a specialist is needed.

Linda McBee